The Oiler Market will have adjusted hours this week due to parent-teacher conferences. It will be open Wednesday 2/26 and Thursday 2/27 from 3:15pm -6:15pm.

East Alton District 13 Families,
Due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions, school for today, Wednesday, February 19th, will be an e-learning day. As always, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority.
This will be our fifth and final e-learning day allowed by the Illinois State Board of Education. Any additional weather-related closures this school year will be traditional snow days, which will be added to the end of the school year. Currently, our last day of school is scheduled for Thursday, May 22nd with a half-day of attendance.
Please click on the link below to view the EA 13 Inclement Weather E-Learning Schedules. E-Learning resources can also be found on our district website, www.easd13.org.
Thank you for your understanding and support.

All AFTER SCHOOL student activities, including BOOST, will be cancelled, today, February 18th.
The Board of Education meeting scheduled for today, February 18th, will proceed as scheduled at 6 p.m. Please enter through Door 16 in the back of EAMS.

East Alton District 13 Families,
Based on the forecast of snow this evening into the early hours of tomorrow morning, school for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 12th, will be an e-learning day. As always, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority.
Please click on the link below to view the EA 13 Inclement Weather E-Learning Schedules. E-Learning resources can also be found on our district website, www.easd13.org.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Stay safe!

The school year is flying by and it’s already time to start preparing for our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. We are excited for the opportunity to share with you our continued educational journey in your child’s classroom, your child’s achievement and assessment scores, work habits, and peer relationships. Teachers will also discuss your child’s progress on the road to mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards. These conversations are extremely important to continually build an effective instructional program for your child.
Wednesday, February 26th and Thursday, February 27th
We will use an online program to sign up for the conference time that works for you. You will be able to quickly see what times are still available and select that time slot. If you have more than one child you will be able to select multiple teachers from the same program.
1. To access the program go to: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/East_Alton_School_District_13
2. Select the teacher(s) you would like to schedule a conference with and submit.
3. Enter your student’s name, your name and an active email address and submit.
4. You will receive an email from PTCFast.com
5. The email will contain a link for you to click to select your conference times.
6. Select your time then either confirm and exit (if you are done) or register for additional classes (if you have more conferences to set up).
7. You will receive a confirmation email from PTCFast.com after your registration process is complete.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss your child’s successes and goals together.

Good afternoon EA 13 Families,
Due to the forecast of winter precipitation on Tuesday, February 11th and Wednesday, February 12th, student devices and learning packets (for applicable grades/teachers) will be sent home today, Monday, February 10th. This is a precautionary measure in anticipation of inclement weather. We will provide further updates as the situation develops. Please keep an eye on your Skyward email, Facebook, and Class Dojo for the latest information.
If an e-learning day is not utilized, please return devices and charging cubes/cords to school when students return as they will be needed for daily classwork.
Thank you for your understanding and support!

East Alton School District 13 Families,
Based on the forecast of additional snow this evening into the early hours of tomorrow morning, school for tomorrow, Friday, January 10th will be an e-learning day. Click on the link below to view the EA 13 Inclement Weather E-Learning Schedules. E-Learning resources can also be found on our district website.
Please stay safe and warm!

The Oiler Market reopens today. Come see us from 2:45-4:30 at EAMS door #11.

Remember to check out our e-learning parent resources on the district website, easd13.org, to assist with e-learning days.

East Alton District 13 Families,
After careful consideration of the current weather conditions and the impact on student safety, we will make tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th, a remote learning day for all students.
While this does not set a precedent for closing school solely due to low temperatures, the combined factors of low temperatures, the dangers of walking to school with compacted snow, and challenges with bussing create a situation where prioritizing safety is essential. K-3 devices/packets are still being distributed today until 5:30 for those who need to pick up materials for their child.
With today being a snow day, we will need to make this day up at the end of the school year. Adjustments will be made and the change in the calendar will be communicated. The move to e-learning days will count towards student attendance days and will not need to be made up. Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate these decisions with safety as our primary focus.
Click on the link below to access your child’s e-learning class schedule and Google Meet link to meet with teachers virtually.

With the potential for additional inclement weather, the transition to e-learning days may occur, therefore, we are providing a device/packet pick-up today, Tuesday, January 7th, for families of K-3rd grade students. Devices/packets can be picked up from the Eastwood gym (Door 8 ) between 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM.
Please click on the link below for additional information about device/packet pick up. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wR0sDnOCX8DTeA1virvt9ioRKitfTzOsE4av5w_3ONs/edit?usp=sharing

East Alton School District #13
January 6, 2025
Good afternoon East Alton Families,
With the current conditions, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7, 2025, will be a traditional SNOW DAY, not an E-Learning day.
With the potential for additional inclement weather, the transition to e-learning days may occur, therefore, we are providing a device/packet pick-up time for families of K-3rd grade students. Devices/packets can be picked up from the Eastwood gym (Door 8) between 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM on Tuesday, January 7th.
Please click on the link below for important information about device/packet pick up.

***Important Winter Weather Announcement for East Alton SD 13 Families***
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025 and the winter storm.
With the winter weather, we are wanting to provide some reminders as this weather impacts our area.
Monday, January 6th is a Teacher Institute Day and there is no student attendance.
Please note that all extracurricular activities scheduled for tomorrow are CANCELLED.
We will be planning on making decisions as early as we can, but will only cancel if weather conditions warrant cancellation.
We look to make this decision Monday afternoon. Please make sure to stay tuned as we announce possible school closures or changes to our schedule.
As always, please tune in to local media (radio and TV channels), School Messenger, and updates to our Facebook page.
We will be monitoring weather and road conditions closely Monday and will share updates as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support and flexibility.
Stay safe and stay warm!

The Oiler Market will be open from 10:30-11:45 on Thursday, December 19th due to early dismissal. We will be closed over the break and reopen on January 9th.

As we come into our winter break, please note the special hours at the Oiler Market between now and January 9th.

Did you see our Oiler Market Featured on the news?
We are always looking for more donations for our Oiler Market - Let us know if you can help!

The Oiler Market has special hours this week due to Parent-Teacher conferences. We will be open Wednesday and Thursday 3:15-6pm.

Help Your Child Succeed in School

It's Market Day and we are fully stocked!

Free Dental Care for Kids event!