Congratulations Kyree! He is the 110% winner for the month of February. Keep up the great work. #OilerNation #DoGreatThings
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
110% Award
110% Award
February 16th is an early dismissal!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Early Dismissal
Marshaye is Mrs. Conklin and Mrs. Collins's Outstanding Oiler of Self Control. They say Marshaye is an excellent example of self control. She is safe, respectful & responsible. She manages her emotions well. She works hard and does her best. She makes good choices every day. Having self control isn’t always easy so thank you Marshaye for working so hard every day to control your actions and emotions and for being a role model so others can work to do the same.
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Attendance Matters
Hello Eastwood Families! Click the link below to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. We look forward to seeing you there!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Leslie is Mrs. Naylor and Mrs. Naylor’s Outstanding Oiler of Self-Control! Leslie has worked extremely hard at showing self-control in our classroom. She stays on tasks and gives it her all during independent times. She always listens and participates during whole group and small groups. She shows self-control in line and when walking in the hallway. We can see that having self-control doesn't always come easy to her but that she truly gives her best effort and quickly shows it when needed. Way to go Leslie! We are so proud of you and your hard work! Keep being that example to others!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Quinntin is Mrs. Buller’s Outstanding Oiler of Self Control. Quinntin has worked all year to focus on his specific goals of self control. He has been able to regulate his behavior more effectively. During independent work, he stays focused and completes his work. we are proud of Quinntin. Keep up the good work!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Mrs.Wille chose Harmony for our Outstanding Oiler of Self Control. She is such a great example of self-control in our classroom. When working independently, Harmony always stays on task and makes smart choices all throughout the school day. She does what she is supposed to even when no one is looking. Harmony is so helpful and kind to everyone in the classroom. It is well deserved for her to be named our outstanding oiler of self control! Congratulations Harmony we are so proud of you!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Mrs. Campbell nominated Cheyanne for the Outstanding Oiler of Self Control. She shows self control by not shouting out answers in the middle of class, staying quiet in the hallway, and raising her hand to be called on. Cheyanne does a tremendous job of following classroom expectations. She shows self control with her words, by remembering to always show kindness to others even in difficult situations. Cheyanne also portrays self control in her school work. She takes her time to write neatly and does not rush through to get things done. I am so proud to be Cheyanne's teacher, and I am so lucky to have such a great student in my class. Way to go Cheyanne, keep up the great work this year.
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
It's Market Day! Please complete our survey for the St. Louis Area Food Bank about our market. Anyone who has used the market can complete the survey.
5 months ago, Heather Strebel
Market Thursday
The Family Access Network hosts free workshops for parents! Sign up if you are interested. Thursday, February 8, 2024, 7:00 PM, The 5 Principles of Parenting: Your Essential Guide to Raising Good Humans REGISTER:
5 months ago, Heather Strebel
5 principles of parenting
Attendance Matters
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Miss Baker says Noelle is always following directions and striving to do her best. She is always so helpful and kind to others. She is a whole body listener and always safe in and outside of the classroom. We are so proud of you Noelle!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Mrs. Keys says at first it was hard to decide on a student for this month's Outstanding Oiler, but once she looked at Shaun's name, she knew it was him for sure. The amount of growth Shaun has shown this year academically and emotionally deserves recognition. Shaun has good listening ears, does his best every day with math, and is really working hard at mastering writing his sentences independently. Shaun is polite to others, uses his walking feet at all times, keeps his body to himself, and recognizes that the bathroom is for going potty, NOT having a party. She is so proud of how much Shaun's self-control has grown this year. Way to go Shaun!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Attention Parents, Capture the memories, and celebrate the milestones! Yearbook sales are now open! This yearbook contains Washington, Eastwood and East Alton middle school Visit and enter the school code 1313624 to secure your copy. Don't miss out on the chance to relive all the wonderful moments from this school year!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Maisonbleu is Mrs. Booten and Mrs. McBride’s Outstanding Oiler of Self Control. He has shown us many ways he uses self-control in the classroom. He uses breathing exercises and encourages others to do so when needed. Maisonbleu is patient and waits his turn when playing a game or waiting in line for a drink or to use the bathroom. He has been working hard on making safe choices and demonstrates being a whole body listener, especially on the rug. Maisonbleu waits to be called on instead of blurting out. When someone is speaking, he listens without interrupting. We are so proud of him!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Jaiden is Mrs. Miles’ Outstanding Oiler of Self-Control. During our centers, Jaiden always waits his turn when we play a game or do an activity. He keeps his hands to himself. Jaiden also sits quietly at the rug and will meditate and use his self-talk all on his own. These are just a few reasons why Jaiden is a perfect choice for our classroom Oiler of self-control. Keep it up!
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Audrina is Mrs. Staten’s Outstanding Oiler of Self-Control. She is an excellent example of self-control as she is courteous to other students, participates in class, follows school rules, and resists doing things that are inappropriate. Thanks, Audrina, for setting such a good example for us.
5 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Talen was nominated by his peers for being Outstanding Oiler of Self Control for Mrs. Jones's class. Talen shows self control everyday both inside and outside of the classroom. Talen is a great example to his peers and strives to work hard and do great things. Keep up the great work, Talen.
6 months ago, Ashley Lowe
Mrs. Schranck says she chose Ryli as their Outstanding Oiler of Self Control because Ryli is always listening and participating during instructional time. During independent work time, Ryli is always doing what is asked of her. She controls herself and helps to remind those around her of what they are expected to be doing. She completes all of her homework on time on top of playing volleyball. Ryli is overall an excellent student and Mrs. Schranck says she is so lucky to have her in her class this year!
6 months ago, Ashley Lowe