East Alton District 13 Families,
After careful consideration of the current weather conditions and the impact on student safety, we will make tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th, a remote learning day for all students.
While this does not set a precedent for closing school solely due to low temperatures, the combined factors of low temperatures, the dangers of walking to school with compacted snow, and challenges with bussing create a situation where prioritizing safety is essential. K-3 devices/packets are still being distributed today until 5:30 for those who need to pick up materials for their child.
With today being a snow day, we will need to make this day up at the end of the school year. Adjustments will be made and the change in the calendar will be communicated. The move to e-learning days will count towards student attendance days and will not need to be made up.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate these decisions with safety as our primary focus.
Click on the link below to access your child’s e-learning class schedule and Google Meet link to meet with teachers virtually. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V3y36gidMitNjwQr-1T3VOej037s3VTwjd-p0El39tQ/edit?usp=sharing